
Invisalign technique with a series of clear aligners aiming at predetermined dental movement literally opened a new way for those who always wanted to change their smile but at the same time refused to use a fixed device for this purpose. With the appropriate digital design of the orthodontic treatment and the construction of transparent Invisalign aligners, it is possible to transform your smile without the use of a fixed device. And all this happens without the need for glued-on braces, monthly visits to the orthodontist, nor the possibility of any emergencies. The only condition to achieve the desired result is your full cooperation (the aligners must remain in the mouth at least 20 hours a day) and the preparation of a proper treatment plan by the orthodontist to which you have trusted your smile!

The Invisalign Treatment Process

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How does teeth movement occur? The orthodontist, after performing a digital scan of your mouth and teeth (the unpleasant silicone impressions and the vomiting tendency they caused are just history), digitally plans the movement of your teeth in small successive 0.1-0.2mm steps. In this way, we have a progressive digital movement from the initial state to the desired end position for each tooth, for and the upper and lower dentition as a whole. For each intermediate step, a set of transparent aligners is made (for the upper and lower jaw) which the patient must wear for 5-7 days until they proceed to the following one. All Invisalign aligner sets are made before the onset of the treatment, which theoretically allows for the treatment to be implemented without the need to visit the practice (in cases of a lockdown, travel abroad, illness, etc.). Instead of the orthodontist changing the wire and rubber bands on your "braces" once a month, you can change the aligner yourself once a week from the comfort of your own home!
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Invisalign Treatment in the Coronavirus era

Especially during the pandemic and its travel restrictions, this method ensures you will still have a smooth course towards your new smile, no matter what! No monthly visits to the doctor's office and no emergencies (such as brace coming off or having annoying wires). This method ensures the uninterrupted and timely continuation of your orthodontic treatment even in periods of quarantine (since you already have all the treatment aligners at your home). The only condition to achieve the desired result would be for the preparation of a proper treatment plan by the orthodontist to which you have trusted your smile, and your own full cooperation (the aligners must remain in the mouth at least 20 hours a day).

Invisalign Vs. traditional “Braces”

  • There are no emergencies due to braces getting loose or sharp wires
  • The teeth are digitally scanned instead of having unpleasant silicone impressions
  • The duration of interventions while sitting on the dentist's chair is reduced, since there is no need for time-consuming adjustments, as is the case with the traditional "braces"
  • Overall, there are fewer visits to the doctor's office, only every 2-3 months (not monthly as with the traditional braces)
  • It is possible to make a virtual appointment to check on the treatment course (via the internet from the comfort of your home)
  • The oral hygiene process becomes easier
  • There are no prohibitions or restrictions on eating habits (the transparent membrane is removed during eating)
  • It is a more aesthetically pleasing/discreet solution in relation to the external traditional metal or ceramic "braces"
  • It is possible to perform a head and neck MRI in case of an emergency or in case it is indicated

What is the cost of treatment?

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In general, in any orthodontic intervention, the cost consists of two parts, the respective medical fee, and the laboratory cost of the method. For the Invisalign method, the medical fee is reduced as compared to other orthodontic treatments. This is due to the fact that adjustment procedures are minimal throughout the treatment. In addition, the work of orthodontist mainly concerns of digitally planning the intervention. This procedure is in contrast to the treatments that come with the application of the traditional fixed labial or lingual braces. As a result, the total cost of an Invisalign treatment does not differ significantly as compared to the interventions with labial fixed orthodontic devices. So, although the lab cost for Invisalign aligners is higher, this increase is offset by the lower medical fees.
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Why choose the Invisalign method?

Why Invisalign? Why not use a cheaper solution for clear aligners? Aren't all aligners just a piece of plastic? Well, certainly not! The SmartTrack material from which the Invisalign clear aligners are made of, has a predictability of the teeth movements which is improved by 75%. It is not just "a piece of plastic". This "plastic" is in your mouth for near 24 hours a day and is completely, and not partially, in contact with your teeth. Also, without causing any discomfort to your gums or lingual frenulum, it moves the teeth in an even, targeted, and predictable way throughout the treatment. Therefore, not all transparent plastic clear aligners are the same. The choice is in your hands, or should we say, in your mouth, or that of your child.

Why Choose Our Clinic to get the Invisalign Treatment?

A frequent question is why one should choose our orthodontic practice, since clear aligners are the same no matter where one goes. The treatment applied by different orthodontists would never be the same. Each orthodontist is not simply the person that just has to deliver the aligners to the patient. The orthodontist is the one digitally designing the individual steps of the treatment. If the design is not perfect, then either the aligners will not fit on the teeth at some point, or the result will be suboptimal (either aesthetically, functionally, or both). Our office is part of the small group of Invisalign Diamond Apex Status Providers in Europe (1% of leading practitioners in Europe according to cases treated with Invisalign clear aligners). This group can be found on the Invisalign company website. It should be emphasised at this point that the title Diamond Apex Status Provider does not refer to the quality of the results of the cases, but to the number of interventions undertaken by a single orthodontist or an orthodontic practice with the Invisalign technique. Our orthodontic practice far exceeds 300 cases per year while in addition Dr. Exarchou has the title of "Invisalign International Clinical Speaker". This means that he is a speaker on behalf of the Invisalign company internationally, conducting seminars for fellow orthodontists on this method. As a consequence of all these parameters, it is certain that if you choose our office to get the Invisalign treatment, the results will speak for themselves. You can browse the Gallery page to discover some of the smiles we have helped transform. The goal of any treatment our office undertakes is to have a functional and aesthetically superior result that lasts. We are sure that among the cases you will find someone who will have a smile similar to yours. See the results and discover what you can expect from an orthodontic transformation! So, in case you have been told that the Invisalign method is not suitable for you, you can visit us, and we will possibly assure you of the opposite. In any case, be properly informed regarding invisible orthodontics as well as all the methods it includes.